
Contact Us

Whether it is about publications, career opportunities, potential projects, or something else, feel free to reach out to us!

Contact Info

Our Office

850 W Jackson
Suite 600
Chicago, IL 60607


Get in Touch


Get In Touch

Where is Nia located?

Nia is based out of Chicago, but we also have an office in Washington DC.

How long has Nia been around?

Anthony Akindele founded Nia in 1996.

What does Nia mean?

Nia is an African word that roughly translates as purpose. It defines our reason for being architects. We see the built environment surrounding us as our purpose in life.

What services does Nia offer?

Nia primarily does the full range of architectural services from initial programming through construction administration. However, we also provide some construction management, interior design, and other design services to compliment our work.

Can you provide references?

Absolutely! Feel free to reach out to us and we can put you in touch with some past clients and partners who always have positive things to say about us.

Are you an MBE?

Nia is a minority-owned business, and we have our MBE Certification in various jurisdictions. However, this can vary depending on the organization and the location. Generally, it is very easy to tranfer one to another juisdiction.

Are you licensed?

Nia has licensed architects in Illinois, Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC at the moment, but this is likely expanding soon.

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