Nia Architects
Ideas, Case Studies, and Other Thought Leadership

Welcome to Nia Architects’ Architecture and Urbanism Thought Leadership section. This section is a blog that explores different topics and conditions exiting in urban communities. Please feel free to browse the various articles and subscribe to stay up to date with different content generated by our experienced and talented team.
Change Management for Architecture and Returning to Normal After This Pandemic
Utilizing Kotter and Lewin’s Change Management steps to assist organizations with utilizing new facilities and returning to normal after the coronavirus pandemic.
Interview with Nia Designer and Associate Principal Pierre Moulinier
Interview with Pierre Moulinier An interview with Nia Architects' Designer and Associate Principal Pierre Moulinier Pierre, other than Anthony, you have easily been Nia's longest-standing team member. Could you give me a quick overview of your history with Nia, and...
Ideal Architectural Housing Types for Different Lifestyles
Ideal Architectural Housing Types for Different Housing Families A look at Oscar Newman's suggestions for which building types are ideal for each individual and family size or lifestyle.Oscar Newman was an architect and a city planner who extensively studied public...
Achieving Innovation in Architecture Through Diversity
Value of Diversity Achieving Innovation in Architecture Through DiversityArchitects love to talk about innovation. It is a word that you regularly see in the majority of firms out there. It is what architecture awards frequently look for, and it is often one of the...
Spurring Development through Equitable Policy Implementation Part 4: Leveraging our Transit Assets to Grow Communities
Spurring Development through Equitable Policy Implementation Part 4: Leveraging our Transit Assets to Grow CommunitiesThe Transit-Oriented Development Ordinance (TOD) is another policy that was written with altruistic intents. It aimed to improve the affordability and...
Spurring Development through Equitable Policy Implementation Part 3: Every Neighborhood Needs Affordable Housing
Spurring Development through Equitable Policy Implementation Part 3: Every Neighborhood Needs Affordable Housing In Chicago, the Affordable Requirements Ordinance (ARO) is a form of inclusionary zoning. The ARO aims to leverage market-rate developments to provide long...
Spurring Development through Equitable Policy Implementation Part 2: Why Isn’t Every Chicago Street a Pedestrian Street?
Spurring Development through Equitable Policy Implementation Part 2: Why Isn't Every Street a Pedestrian Street?In most of the world, the term "pedestrian street" means a street where cars are not allowed. Cafes sprawl across a brick-paved promenade with maybe a...
Spurring Development through Equitable Policy Implementation Part 1: Capital Follows Capital
Spurring Development through Equitable Policy Implementation Part 1: Capital Follows CapitalEarlier this year, the Urban Land Institute study titled "Neighborhood Disparities in Investment Flows in Chicago." Many headline-reading, hot-take providers misinterpreted the...
Welcome to Nia’s new website and blog!
Welcome to Nia's new website and blog! Nia has brought their architectural design and technical expertise to dozens of projects over the past twenty years. The firm has developed an excellent reputation for high-quality projects on residential, mixed-use, healthcare,...